March 21, 2020April 20, 2020 - Teagan and Lana Rabbit Novice Questions Welcome to your Rabbit Novice Anatomy and Nutrition 1. On a doe, what do the mammary glands produce? milk saliva water urine None 2. Which of the follow is not necessarily in a balanced rabbit pellet? fiber protein vitamins seasonings None 3. What is the loose skin called that hangs from the throat and is most common in does? Fat Fur Dewlap Feet None 4. What does the mouth do in digestion? Finish digestion breaks down food swallows None 5. True or FalseThroughout a rabbits' lifetime, its teeth continue to grow? True False None 6. What is a plant-eating animal called? Omnivore Herbivore Carnivore None 7. What happens if you give your rabbit all the food it wants? It gets fat. It will grow really fast. It will get EPM. None 8. Where would you find a rabbit's mandible? On its head On its backbone On its tail On its belly None 9. Rabbits need twice as much water as ____ Sunlight Food Hay Attention None 10. True or False:A rabbit will eat pellets even if it does not have water to drink. True False None Time's up